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The Girl in White Pajamas Page 27

  She shrugged.

  “Were you going to let me think it was mine?”

  “No! I may not have told you who the father was, but I wouldn’t test your intelligence by pretending you were the father.”

  “Did Jack know you were pregnant?”

  Bailey shook her head.

  “So he didn’t know you were planning on having an abortion?”

  She shook her head again.

  Bogie looked at the clock on the wall. “We’ve got a lot of work to do. The cops want to talk to you. You and Jack have become Persons of Interest.”

  Completely drained, Bailey smoothed the tears off her face. Looking down she said, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I deluded myself into believing we were going to…I’ll leave with Rose in the morning. Isabella can stay.”

  Bogie stood up, grabbed her upper arms and pulled her out of the chair. He looked into her eyes. “Don’t you ever lie to me again! I wasn’t honest with you once, and that just about destroyed us. Now we’re even! Whatever we do, we do together, but no more lies. Understand?”

  Bailey nodded and sniffled. “I love you. I’ve always…”

  Rose started to get up when her cell phone rang. She looked at the clock and the caller ID. “Are you okay?” she asked quickly when she answered the phone. She sighed and listened. Finally, she said, “I love you. Get some rest!” When Bogie looked at her, she said, “That was Pop. Matt's gone over Debbie Mauser’s head and is trying to get the District Attorney to issue arrest warrants for Jack and Bailey.”

  Bailey slid down Bogie’s body, and her knees struck the floor as she collapsed.


  Without a word Bogie grabbed Bailey and lifted her into his arms. He carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the bed. As Bailey came to, she looked at Bogie and smiled then remembered what happened and started crying. Bogie held and soothed her. “Calm down. We’ll get through this.”

  After convincing Bailey to lie down on the bed, he went back in the office and watched Rose sitting in a chair scrolling through messages. He took a cell phone out of the desk drawer, checked the battery and punched in a number. “Jack, this is Bogie. Get out of there. Go to a hotel and call that attorney, your friend’s father. Yeah, that’s the one. Do it right now! Just grab a few things and go. Get some motel off the highway…Yes, I know this sucks. Call this guy as soon as possible.”

  Rose looked up and asked, “You aiding and abetting now?” When he nodded, she said, “Matt was supposed to let me know if anything…He said he only wanted to talk.”

  “Shame on you,” Bogie said sourly.

  “Yep! I was the fool who believed him.”

  Bogie made no comment about her choice of lovers since he wasn’t getting high marks in that department either. “So he expects that at least you and Bailey will be flying back tomorrow?”

  She nodded. “He said to call him when I had the flight and time.”

  Bogie turned on his lap top and watched as it booted up. “Well let’s make some reservations!”

  It was almost four in the morning before they finished getting reservations and tickets, not to mention waking Carlos from his connubial bliss so he could get in touch with his friend who owned a limo service.

  Bleary eyed, Bogie looked at the clock. “She needs a heavy hitter in criminal law. Do you think it’s too early to call Attorney Merberg?”

  Rose laughed, but even her laugh was tired. “If you call Merberg now, he probably won’t represent her just to get back at you for waking him up. This is the middle of the night for some folks, you know! I’m going to catch some zzz’s and you probably should do the same. You’ve got a tough day ahead, Sport!”

  Before going back to his bedroom, Bogie tapped on Amanda’s open door. “Is she asleep?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “I know you’re both awake and heard what’s going on. Randy, you were never here. You know nothing, keep it that way!” When Randy nodded, Bogie continued, “You don’t need to jeopardize your job or your father’s because of our family’s craziness. Mandie, I want you to talk to Annie when she wakes up. Tell her what’s happening.”

  “What do you want me to tell her?”

  “The truth. I’m sick of the lies and bullshit. You might want to call the Palm Beach Post and have them hold off on the engagement announcement till we get through this mess. You don’t want the National Enquirer flying over taking pictures of the toxic family.”

  Amanda started to giggle. “I don’t think it’s going to be that bad. I think you’re exaggerating.”

  “Honey, you’ve met Matt MacDonald. He’s a glory whore! When he’s finished throwing out raw meat to the wolves in the press, this whole mess will be all over the front page of the Globe, TV news and the internet. I’ll bet you five bucks they’ll start rehashing the story of your grandfather, Olga and the baby. If news is real slow, they’ll probably bring out the old story of the Kennedy brothers with Marilyn Monroe. Keep reporters away from the old lady. She doesn’t need the grief.”

  “Do you believe Bailey?”

  Bogie nodded.


  “I had everything confirmed before I sat down with her.”

  “Wow! You really are a bastard sometimes!”

  “I’m really a bastard all the time, and don’t forget it, Missy!”

  Before lifting his little daughter from the bed, he leaned over and kissed Amanda on the cheek. “Love you, Princess,” he said softly.

  “Love you more.”

  As Bogie started to walk away with Isabella in his arms, he heard Randy say, “What! Nobody loves me?”

  “You’re not here,” Bogie called out.


  When the alarm rang at six o’clock, Bogie and Bailey were lying on the bed with their daughter between them. “Time to rise and shine!” he mumbled.

  By six-thirty, they were showered, packed and looking out for the limousine. When the black limo stopped, Bailey came out first carrying a small bag. Bogie followed her carrying the sleeping child covered in a blanket. He handed Isabella to Bailey in the back seat and returned to the building with the driver. When they walked out the door with two suitcases, Bogie reset the security alarm and they were off. They drove away with no goodbyes or tearful scenes.


  At eight o’clock, Rose’s alarm rang. After she showered and dressed, Rose packed and walked into Bogie’s office. She stretched her arms out, took a deep breath then cracked her knuckles. “It’s show time!” she said to the empty room. Rose called Matt MacDonald saying, “Delta, Flight 4211, leaving here at eleven fifty, arriving in Boston at two fifty-five. I’ve got to go. I have another call.” She hung up. When she looked up, she saw John Carpenter standing in the doorway. Startled, she asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “And good morning to you, too! Mandie let me in. I sort of thought you’d stop over last night.”

  She shook her head. “We had a lot of…stuff…going on.”

  “I saw the lights on all night. You okay?”

  She nodded. “I’m leaving today.”

  “So I heard. When are you planning on coming back?”

  Rose sighed. “John, you’re a nice guy, and I really like you. But we’re not going anywhere.”

  “That guy in Boston?”

  Rose shook her head. “I’m pretty much finished with him. He’s told me one too many lies.”

  “I’ve never lied to you, Rose.”

  “You’re right, but your truth hurt more than his lies.”

  “I was only being honest with you.”

  “I know.”

  “I should have just shut my mouth. It was just that I was so shocked. I never would have guessed you were half black.”

  “John, you say it like I’m a leper. I’m bi-racial. Barack Obama is bi-racial, Halle Berry is—”

  “I didn’t mean there was anything wrong—”

  “Yes, you did! This is the South. You’re worried about what folks will think.”

  “I don’t care—”

  “You do care! It bothered you enough to tell me we didn’t have to let anybody know what I was. That was the worst thing you ever said to me. I won’t deny who or what I am to placate some ignorant crackers. The kindest and most honest man I’ve ever known is my father. To pretend I’m not his daughter is unconscionable.”

  “I’m crazy about you, Rose,” he said softly.

  “I’m very fond of you, too. I like being your friend. Just don’t ever mention the ‘M’ word again.”

  John Carpenter shook his head. “At least let me give you a ride to the airport.”

  “Not this time, John. I’m going to pass.”

  He studied her carefully. “What are you and ‘The Bogie Man’ up to?”

  Rose laughed. “You don’t want to know. You really don’t want to know! Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.”

  “Can I write that bullshit down for future reference?”


  When Ann McGruder looked out the living room window, she saw Amanda pacing outside the glass doors of the main building. She knew something was wrong. Ann opened the front door and called to her. Amanda walked toward her looking tired and frightened.

  “What’s the matter, Sweetheart?” Ann asked.

  The tears started when Amanda sat down on the white couch in the living room. She recounted the events of the previous night. When she finished, Ann’s face was the color of the couch. “He flew back to Boston with her?” Ann asked.

  Amanda nodded.


  “He was taking her to meet some high-powered criminal attorney before she talked to the cops.”

  “Doesn’t that make her look guilty?”

  Amanda shrugged. “What difference does it make? They already think she’s guilty.”

  Ann looked at her. “What do you think?”

  Amanda considered this then shook her head. “I hate what she did to my father, but she’s no killer. If anything, she’s a wimp. She’ll run away and hide rather than fight. I figured if she wanted to kill Uncle Bud, she could have killed him when he was at her house. Why wait till he’s was out on the street in Boston? That doesn’t make much sense.”

  “She’s pregnant with Bud’s child?”

  Amanda nodded.

  “How does Bogie feel about that?”

  Amanda raised her pinkie finger. She circled it with the index finger of her other hand. “She’s got him wrapped around her little finger.”

  “Maybe he’s just sticking with her because of Isabella.”

  Amanda shook her head. “He’s crazy about Isabella, he thinks she’s a riot, but he still thinks Bailey shits ice cream with or without the kid.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  Amanda shrugged.

  “You have no reason to be. Your father adores you. So much of what he’s done in his life is because of you.”

  “I know,” Amanda said quietly. She pointed to the closed bedroom door. “Are you going to tell Grandma?”

  “Oh, God, no! She can’t handle any more. You know she has dementia; she doesn’t need to be more confused than she already is. I just don’t know what I’m going to tell her about Isabella. She’s very fond of her.”

  “That’s because she thinks she’s Jennifer.”

  Ann nodded.

  “Let’s just tell her they went on a short trip and will be back soon. How does that sound?”

  When there was a knock on the door, Ann nodded and stood up to answer it. Margarita smiled at Ann and Amanda as she headed for the kitchen to start making breakfast. “Are you joining us for breakfast or are you still feeling queasy in the mornings?” Margarita asked.

  “I’m feeling queasy all day, but I’ll join you for some toast.” Amanda said as she looked at the large gold clock on the wall. “I’d better call the Palm Beach Post and have them cancel the engagement announcement.”

  “Why?” Ann asked concerned.

  “Dad thought it would be better to wait till things settled down rather than holding us and Randy’s family up for public ridicule.”

  “Do you really think that’s going to stop people from talking?” Ann asked.

  “No, but I don’t want my engagement to be part of this whole ugly story. Dad also said we should keep everyone away from Grandma. He said she doesn’t need the grief.”

  “Your father is the strangest bird who ever flew. There’s never been any love lost between him and my mother, not that I blame him. But now he’s worried about her!”

  “I think when Dad saw her and realized how beaten down she was, he felt bad.”

  “And yet if it was the other way around, my mother wouldn’t lift a finger to help him.”

  “I think he also feels guilty about the property. He didn’t know Grandpa actually conned her out of it.”

  “Ah, yes, the famous Palm Beach property! Well, my father was a smooth talker. They had an anniversary coming up, maybe it was the thirtieth. Anyway, he played her like a violin telling her that after all those years together; he had nothing in his name. She thought she was surprising him by putting the deed in his name. I guess she figured that someday it would go to Bud or me. She had no idea how devious he was. He was planning on leaving her. She never really knew what he did until after he died. Then she blamed Bogie saying that he stole it from our father. She knew that wasn’t true but didn’t want to come to grips with the truth. She had a right to be angry with Bogie for his part in the deception, but the whole mess just overwhelmed her. She just spiraled downward after that.”


  By the time the limousine arrived at the Miami International Airport, Isabella was awake and questioning her parents. Why did they have to leave so soon? Why didn’t she get a chance to say goodbye to her sistah? There were no goodbyes for her other fans like Aunt Annie and Grandma and Randy. All the other Palm Beach people would be saddened to learn she left so quickly. Where was Aunt Rose, why did she get to stay? Why couldn’t they stay in Da-dee’s house?

  As she dressed the child in the back seat, Bailey said, “We’ll come back. You’ll see everybody soon.”

  Since the only tickets available at the last minute were First Class seats, Bogie decided to use the First Class Lounge. He wanted to believe that would take the sting out of wasting three thousand dollars on seats. As soon as they entered the lounge, Bogie went to a corner and started making calls while Bailey tried to entertain the confused child. Isabella was extremely unhappy to learn that her karate outfit was packed in a suitcase and already on the plane. If not for that, she could be demonstrating her abilities for a whole new crowd of people. Bailey smiled as she remembered Bogie telling her to make sure the outfit was packed with the check-in luggage. He wanted them to travel incognito without the possibility of YouTube videos of the little entertainer popping up during the day.

  Disappointed in her parents for removing her from the happy Palm Beach surroundings and not having her favorite outfit available, she made their flight as miserable as possible by refusing to eat and whining all the way. As they touched down at the T.F. Green Airport in Rhode Island, Bogie took Bailey’s cold, shaking hand. “Everything’s going to be okay,” he said softly.

  She nodded with no conviction.

  As they left the gate with the pouting child in her white lace dress between them, Bogie turned on his cell phone. He quickly scanned a list of missed calls. He motioned for Bailey to stop and speed dialed a number. “What’s up?” After listening for a minute, he smiled. “That’s great! Thanks!” Bogie took Bailey’s hand. “The DA wouldn’t sign off on the warrant. He said there wasn’t enough evidence and told MacDonald to come back when he had some.”

  Bailey smiled. �
�That’s a relief!”

  “Don’t get too cozy, though. You know, MacDonald’s out for blood. He loves the attention and will do anything to get it. He’s figuring to ‘make his bones’ on this case. At least now you’ll be lawyered up before he can ask you the time of day.”

  Angel Fernandez, dressed in his R&B gear, waved to them as they came near the luggage carousel. Isabella ran to him and hugged him. She reported every one of her parents’ infractions, from not having her wonderful outfit available for travel to not giving her a chance to say goodbye to all the new people. “But, Cupcake, what about me? I’m your old friend. Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  Isabella hugged him again.

  The Escalade drove up Interstate 95N through Providence. As they entered Massachusetts, Bogie glanced at his watch. Bailey looked apprehensive. When they reached the South Shore Plaza in Braintree, Angel stopped in front of the Cheesecake Factory where a tall, distinguished looking man was waiting with his briefcase in hand. Bogie exited the vehicle with Bailey. Angel and Isabella drove off to find a parking space.

  After introductions were made, Bogie handed the man a check and said, “I’m leaving her in your hands now. Take good care of her.” He and Bailey held each other tight without saying a word.

  When Bogie got back in the Escalade, Isabella asked, “Where’s Mommy?”

  “She has to talk to her attorney,” Bogie answered.

  “Aren’t we going to wait for her?” Isabella was becoming anxious.

  Bogie held her hand as she sat in her car seat. “She’s taking care of business. It’ll just be you, me and Angel for awhile. Do you want to go home or to McDonald’s?”


  As they drove away from the Plaza, Isabella became thoughtful. After a while, she asked, “Where’s Uncle George’s suitcase?”

  Bogie glanced at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “When we went away, we took Uncle George’s suitcase. But it never went to Palm Beach with us.”