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The Girl in White Pajamas Page 19

  “You guys are really efficient! Do you routinely do that?”

  Abdul looked at him quizzically. “No, only when the police request it.”

  “So they’ve got the list?”

  As Abdul nodded, Bogie asked, “Any chance I could get a copy?”

  Abdul shook his head.

  “I just want to check on one name.” Bogie placed five twenty-dollar bills on the desk.

  Abdul slid the list across. “I didn’t give you that list. If you happened to sneak a peek, I didn’t see you do it.”

  Bogie studied the list, slid it back and thanked the little man.



  The BMW 328i raced on Interstate 95 heading north. When Dolores turned onto Okeechobee Boulevard, Ann asked, “Exactly where is City Place?”

  “It’s in the same area as Rosemary Avenue.”

  “Why don’t I know about it?” Ann asked.

  Dolores glanced over at her. “How long has it been since you’ve been to Palm Beach?”

  Annie thought then said, “Probably about fifteen years.”

  Dolores nodded. “This place is about twelve years old.”

  Ann considered this then asked, “Did this start out as the Downtown/Uptown project?”

  Dolores shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve only been here about five years.”

  “Where did you live before?” Ann asked.

  “Dayton, Ohio, and I don’t want to hear any jokes about Ohio.”

  Ann studied her, “Why would I do that? I’m sure Ohio is a lovely place.”

  As they drove by the stucco-front buildings surrounding an open-air plaza lined with palm trees, Ann’s eyes widened. “This is beautiful! It looks like a newer, brighter version of Quincy Market in Boston.”

  “This place has lots of shops, restaurants, night clubs, theaters and many other things including apartments and condos.”

  “I never imagined Palm Beach could have such a place,” Ann gushed. “We always shopped on Worth Avenue, but that’s limited unless you’re into antiques and artwork.”

  Dolores drove into one of the parking garages and turned to Ann. “Today is going to be a special day! This is the first day of your new life!”


  After a complete day of beauty that included having Ann’s hair colored a light brown and cut in a short style similar to Dolores’, the two women walked arm in arm down Rosemary Avenue. As they passed the Sephora store, Dolores stopped suddenly as she watched the police escorting two young, blonde women toward the front door. Dolores grabbed Ann’s arm. “Those are Amanda’s friends, Zoe and Tiffany.”

  Without hesitating Ann charged into the store demanding, “What’s going on here?” When the police only stared at her, she repeated in a louder voice, “What’s going on here?”

  A woman in black, who appeared to be the manager, walked over to Ann and Dolores. “It’s nothing to be concerned about. These young ladies are leaving.”

  “Leaving? Why?” Ann asked.

  “It doesn’t concern you,” said the lady in black.

  “These girls are members of my family so I believe I have a right to know!” Ann said with the haughtiness of Queen Victoria.

  “They were shoplifting,” the manager almost spit out.

  “That’s impossible!” Ann said with all the indignation she could muster. “I told them to pick out anything they wanted. Is this how you treat your customers?”

  Stone-faced the manager apologized and told the police there had been a misunderstanding, although she didn’t believe it and neither did the cops. Zoe and Tiffany beamed as they hugged Aunt Annie while she paid for six hundred and forty dollars-worth of makeup, bronzer and perfume. As the group walked out of the store smiling, Ann said, “Dolores and I were going to stop for a bite to eat. Would you like to join us?”

  Tiff and Zoe nodded believing that was the least they could do for a woman who saved their bacon.

  While feasting on Italian food at Il Bellagio in the City Place plaza, Ann beamed as the girls again complimented her on her new look. “You look awesome!” Tiff told her for the third time.

  Ann sipped her wine then said, “When I was a teenager, I walked to Filene’s. It was a department store on Washington Street near our house. I shoplifted three eye shadows and a mascara. I still can’t explain why. Maybe because I thought I could. I was stopped at the door, and my parents were called. My father was a Boston cop, and everything was always about him. All I heard for weeks after that was how I disgraced the family, embarrassed my parents. My parents made me feel so horrible that I vowed if I ever found a young lady in that situation, I’d help her out. Ladies, because of that promise, you are the recipients of my largesse!”

  Tiffany and Zoe beamed and raised their glasses of sweet tea in a salute to Ann. Tiff asked, “Do you want the stuff?”

  Ann started to laugh and choked on her wine. “What!? Of course not! A can of bronzer?! Where did you plan on hiding that?”

  When both girls blushed, Ann laughed so hard tears rolled down her cheeks.


  The sun was going down, and Amanda was bored. She hadn’t heard from Randy. Tiff and Zoe hadn’t returned her text messages. She looked out the glass sliding doors and watched Margarita holding Elizabeth’s hand and speaking to her. Amanda opened the door and stepped outside. She opened the gate to the pool area and walked around until she reached the two women. Elizabeth studied her and Margarita smiled. Amanda noticed that Margarita had circles under her eyes.

  “Hey, Grandma,” Amanda said as she kissed the old woman’s cheek.

  “I hope you’re not planning on stealing anything,” Elizabeth McGruder said.

  “Not today, Grandma!” Amanda answered. “How are you doing?”

  Elizabeth McGruder nodded and said, “Margaret was just telling me it would take two weeks before our place is ready.”

  Amanda smiled at Elizabeth’s refusal to call Margarita by her Latino name. She nodded. “Is that a problem?”

  Elizabeth McGruder considered this. “No. As long as Margaret’s here, I’m fine. Have you seen Ann?”

  Amanda shook her head. “I’m sure she’ll be back soon.”

  The gate opened and Carlos walked through smiling. “The three most beautiful women in the world and they’re all right here!”

  Margarita and Amanda half-smiled being accustomed to Carlos’ Colombian Blarney, but Elizabeth blushed like a schoolgirl.

  When Margarita finally convinced Elizabeth that she should go inside, Amanda and Carlos sat at the table next to the pool. He studied her. “Do you want me to turn the lights on?”

  She nodded, distracted.

  Carlos walked over to the main building and flicked on the lobby and swimming pool lights. When he returned, he said, “I’m sorry if I sound like your father, but, please, make sure the front door is locked if the building is empty when you’re coming out here. You never know who could be waiting—” He stopped as he watched Amanda staring at the pool. Finally, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

  She shrugged then the tears started. “Everybody hates me!” she cried.

  Carlos patted her hand. “That’s not true, and you know it!”

  “Dad’s pissed at me. He told me so!” When Carlos said nothing she added, “I think Randy’s avoiding me. Tiff and Zoe aren’t returning my text messages.”

  “And?” Carlos asked. When Amanda didn’t respond, he asked, “And, what about your aunt?”

  “What about her?” Amanda said as she sniffled.

  “She’s not entitled to be angry too?”

  Amanda shrugged.

  “Chiquita, I’ve watched you grow from a child into a woman and never heard you say a mean thing to anyone. Then your tia comes here as a guest, and you insult her. Why?”

  Amanda shrugged. “She said mean
things to Zoe.”

  “Zoe’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. Besides, you can stand up for your friends without knocking your family. That’s not cool. She’s your father’s sister. You gotta show some respect for the elders.”

  “Now you hate me, too?”

  “Never,” Carlos said and winked at her.

  When Margarita walked outside Amanda studied her face. “You look tired.”

  Margarita nodded. “I’m very tired. Elizabeth—”

  “Get some rest!” Carlos interrupted. “I’ll stay here and guard the door.”

  Margarita shook her head. “If she wakes up and sees you, she’ll get upset.”

  “I’ll stay,” Amanda said. “She knows me. She won’t freak out if she sees me. The most she’ll do is accuse me of stealing something.”

  “What’s that all about?” Margarita asked.

  “It’s a long story. Get some rest while you can!”


  Ann and Dolores had a nightcap at Dolores’ country club. “This is a beautiful place!” Ann exclaimed.

  “I love it!” Dolores agreed. “I’m going to miss it!”

  “You sound like you’re going somewhere,” Ann said.

  “I am. Out! I’m paid up till the end of the month then it’s bye-bye club.”

  “But you said you loved to play tennis here. You said we could play together.”

  “We can,” Dolores said. “Until the end of the month, then it’s over.”

  “We’ll see about that!” Ann said and smiled.


  Randy looked out the front window of his father’s house. The lights were off in the living quarters of the main building, only the swimming pool was lit. Concerned that Mandie hadn’t returned his phone message he said, “I wonder where she could be.”

  John Carpenter, sitting in his recliner watching CSI on TV said, “I know you don’t listen to a thing I say, but I was just wondering if this is how you want to spend your life, worrying if your wife’s out partying while you’re working.”

  Randy turned around and looked at him. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Well, she’s the one who bragged about how she got the answers to the exams when she was fourteen, fifteen years old. A girl who uses sex to get her own way grows up to be a woman who does the same thing. It’s sort of like getting pregnant so they can get married.”



  The couple rested their heads on the same pillow as they enjoyed a post-coital cigarette. The gorgeous blonde moved her long hair to the side fearing some ashes might fall on the freshly woven two thousand dollar extensions. Catie Christenson stared at the ceiling and said, “I don’t know, Matt. That’s a pretty hard sell. Two attorneys!”

  “I know,” Matt MacDonald said as he moved his hand down her breast.

  Pushing his hand away, Catie said, “I heard the lead investigator, Debbie Mauser, is still looking at the old lady. She even threw your name out there.”

  Matt MacDonald grunted. “I hate that ugly bitch! She does shit like that to make me look bad. She’s tried to bust my balls for years.”

  Catie’s hands slid down until she held his testicles. “They’re still here,” she said and smiled. “I heard your buddy in narcotics isn’t pleased with you either.”

  “Ah, fuck him! He can’t take a joke! I thought I could help him get a big fish with a little one, and it didn’t work out. Big fuck’n deal!”

  “So you’re sure it’s the lawyers who killed Bud?”

  “I’m positive! All I need to find out is if there was just the two of them or if they had that other fag involved.”


  “Jack Hampfield’s husband.”


  As Jesus drove down the driveway in Weston, Isabella excitedly told her mother about her wonderful day again. “Mommy, you should have seen me. I did moves just like the big guys. They said I was a natural! Tommie taught me to use a sword!” When both of her parents quickly turned toward her, Isabella continued, “It was just a ruler from Aunt Rose’s desk. We pretended.”

  Bogie faced forward again as he said to Jesus, “This morning she was a little girl, and now she’s a warrior!”

  Jesus smiled and said softly, “She really is a natural!”

  “I heard that, Jesus!” Isabella said. “See, Mommy, I told you!”

  Kim waited for them in the kitchen with glassy eyes and no dinner. Reminding himself to keep his mouth shut, Bogie said, “Why don’t you give the ‘natural’ her bath and I’ll throw a salad together.” Noting their disappointed looks, Bogie added, “And a surprise.”

  When Bailey took Isabella upstairs, Bogie turned to Jesus. “There’s a Shaw’s market in Newtonville.”

  “I know where it is,” Jesus said quickly.

  Bogie took some bills from his wallet. “Will you get some cooked chicken and fresh bread?”

  Jesus nodded. “You want something to drink?”

  Bogie considered this. “Spring water!”

  “You animal!” Jesus joked.


  By the time Jesus returned with the chicken, Bogie had made a salad and they were all ready to sit down. Bogie called out, “Kim! Dinner’s ready!”

  “No, thank you,” she said from upstairs.

  When the meal was over, Isabella’s eyes drooped and her shoulders slumped while she sat in her chair. Bogie looked at her then at Bailey. “The little pumpkin’s ready to fall off her chair. Do you want kitchen clean-up or kid duty?”

  Without answering, Bailey picked up the half-sleeping child. “Did you enjoy your day, Baby?”

  Isabella only nodded as she rested her head on her mother’s shoulder. Bogie kissed the top of her curls. “Good night, Isabella. Pleasant dreams.”

  She nodded again.

  The kitchen was clean when Bailey came downstairs wearing jeans and a tee shirt. Bogie smiled. He had known this woman since she was sixteen years old and this was how he thought of her, the real Bailey wearing blue jeans. Before she could move to the computer, he put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Come here. Sit down and talk to me!” He pointed to a chair at the small dining room table.

  When she sat down, Bogie took a seat across from her. Bailey folded her hands in front of her. “What’s up?”

  “You know I never got your letter until today?”

  She nodded. “It doesn’t matter. We’ve both moved on.” She looked down.

  “Have we?” Bogie asked.

  Bailey shrugged.

  “Is there somebody else in your life?”

  Bailey shook her head.

  “So what you’re saying is that you want anybody but me in your life?”

  Bailey shook her head again. “No! What I’m saying is that--it’s probably too late. We’ve both been through…” She paused a long time and sighed. “We’ve changed. A lot’s happened.”

  “It doesn’t matter. We can start all over.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked as her eyes filled with tears. “We’re not the same people any more, we might not have anything—”

  “We have a child!” Bogie said with more force than he intended.

  Bailey nodded. “Little Boghdun!” They both smiled. “If there was ever a child who was a clone of a parent, she’s it. Her mannerisms, the way she looks at everybody. She’s made me so happy the past three years and also broken my heart.”

  “She didn’t break your heart, I did,” Bogie said softly. He held her hands. “Do you want to give it a try?”

  Bailey shrugged and started to cry. She pushed the tears off her cheeks with her knuckles as Bogie stood up and went to her. He helped her out of her chair, and held her. “I’m afraid it’s too late,” she said as she cried.

  “It’s never too late. Think about it,” Bogie said as Jesus walked
in the room then did a U-turn back into the kitchen.


  The following night, the Escalade moved down the driveway, but the house was dark and there were no lights on upstairs. The carriage house also sat in darkness. Bailey turned to Rose, but Rose didn’t seem concerned. After they entered the basement and walked up the cellar stairs, the lights went on and the horns blared. Everyone shouted, “Happy Birthday!” Bogie held Isabella who was decked out in a paper party hat. Jack and George sat at the table. Jack wore a gold paper crown. He extended another one to Bailey and said, “Happy birthday to us.”

  They feasted on an outstanding French dinner brought in from Lumiere in Newton. Jack stood up and toasted his sister. “Thirty-two years ago, in a manger far away, the dynamic duo of Jack and Bail were born. We can only be thankful that our parents’ favorite drinks were Jack Daniel’s and Bailey’s Irish Crèam. You can only imagine what life would have been like if they fancied Stolichnaya or Wild Turkey.”

  Bogie laughed but then asked, “Are you serious? They named you after booze?”

  Jack and Bailey nodded.

  Bogie presented each twin with a square box. They were stunned to find a complete collection of Hank Hampfield’s music with everything from ‘Momma’s Bad Boy’ to a duet with Willie Nelson.

  Jack shook his hand and Bailey kissed his cheek. “Where’d you find all these?” Jack asked.

  “Where else? Ebay.”

  Bailey smiled. “I really appreciate this. I grew up hearing him picking on a guitar or singing and rehearsing, but I rarely heard him perform. Thanks, Bogie.”

  George winked at Isabella and she jumped from her chair and went into the living room. George and Kim followed her. When Bogie looked toward them, Kim held up a finger to indicate he should wait. After a few minutes the living room lights went on, and Kim motioned for the group to walk down the front hallway. As they looked in the living room, George and Isabella stood wearing white tee shirts and white shorts. Kim announced, “Happy Bird-day to Bailey and Jack from George and Izzy.” She pushed the button on the Bose.